What's Our #1 Promotional Product?
The tricky thing at trade shows is figuring out a way to attract, excite and educate the punter with the benifits of your poduct in the few moments you have as they pass your stand.
Time and again the business card wallet has been our way in. The wallets are eye-catchingly colourful, shiny and are seemingly irresistable as a promotional item.
At shows we insert our catalogue into the wallet and people literally grab them off the stand. The range of translucent colours allows people to select one that suits and as soon as their own cards are inserted and are visible through the lid our business card wallet becomes their own bespoke branded item.
Using this product we have put thousands of our catalogues and price lists into the hands of potential customers. You can do the same!
Made From Recyclable Polypropylene
A unique property of Polypropylene is the potential to design working 'live' hinges into products. In the case of the wallet we mould a base and lid as a single piece connected by a flexible hinge which will withstand thousands of flexes before it breaks. It is seriously tough! Other benifits of this wonder-material are the possibilities for colour and translucent products and of course when the product has served its time, Polypropylene can be recycled due to it being a thermoplastic. This means that it can be melted down and remoulded again and again. Make sure you recycle your plastics!
A Fun, Colourful Business Card Holder
For personal use you can buy our wallets in packs of 5, so if you're looking for a new business card holder thats colourful and fun give the WestonBoxes business card wallet a try. Each wallet holds 10 - 15 business cards depending on the gsm weight of the cards and because the wallet is translucent, you can see your cards through the lid, giving the impression of a high value branded product when in fact its the opposite!

Time To Replace Your Personal Wallet?
I use our business card wallet in place of a traditional wallet. It has my credit and debit cards, reward card, driving licence and a couple of business cards and that is all that I carry these days. It's slim and easy to have in your pocket, the cards dont get bent or damaged like they can do in a traditional leather wallet and every so often I switch colours just for the fun of it. Its an easy way to keep your payment cards and business cards safe and organised. When an opportunity to distribute business cards arises I know I can hand them out to important types confident that they will be in tip-top condition having been protected by my promotional business card wallet.
Wallets Can Be Personalised With Labels
People occassionaly ask if they can have their branding on the wallets. The short answer is yes. But. We do not offer this service. We can however, put you in contact with a reliable print company. Print applied directly to the wallet does not adhere well and tends to scratch off very quickly if you have the wallet in your pocket with coins or keys. We recomend digitally printed labels which allow more print options, and with clear lables available, the appearance of a direct print can be convincingly replicated as per the image below. Applying digitally printed colour labels to this product drastically increases your unit cost and is only really viable on orders of a significant size. That said, the results can be impressive and it looks great as a fully branded promotional item.

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