Life Admin - Expert Document Organisation!
If you keep 'important' documents from the bank, the mortgage company the tax man etc then you have to be sure of one thing... When you need to locate that important piece of paper, you have to be able to actually find it!
It might be time for some life admin. Our A4 Box Stak can help you organise and sort these documents by giving you 5 distinct, stacked boxes to segregate important papers into.
Tip - Going through a messy stack of papers and documents and organising them into boxes is strangely satisfying and theraputic. Try it! I did and by the end of the process my Stak contained:
- Mortgage documents
- Pension documents
- Bank documents
- Car documents
- Bills
This worked pretty well and was a good start, but, I was able to go further with the assistance of the A4 Slim Storage Box.
Behold the next level of document organisation:
- Mortgage documents
- Documents relating to property
- Council tax documents
- Payslips, P60's etc.
- Pension documents
- Bank statements
- My car documents
- My wife's car documents
- Water bills
- Electricity bills
All of these items were organised and segregated in Slim A4 Boxes in one, yes ONE A4 Box Stak frame! You can fit 2 A4 Slim Boxes on each shelf of the A4 Box Stak frame, so you can have 10 A4 Slim Boxes in your Stak instead of 5 regular A4 Boxes.
These additional boxes are useful if you have small amounts of paper or documents which do not require a full depth A4 Storage Box. In this case an A4 Slim Box is a more sensible size and is much more space efficient.
If one of the document types requires you to keep a larger amount of paperwork then you can arrange your Stak so that it contains a mix of A4 Boxes and A4 Slim Boxes. Its entirely up to you.
Tip - label the boxes otherwise you will annoy yourself pulling them out all the time to check the contents. We recomend a labelling machine like this guy.
Is It A Box? Is It A Tray? It's Both!
Do you require shallow trays for model making or paper crafting? The A4 Slim Box works really well. It helps keep small pieces together and if you get interupted you can always put the lid on to keep things safe.
Impact Resistant TOUGH Version Available
We have a selection of 24mm deep TOUGH boxes which we refer to as ‘Postproof’ because they will ship via Royal Mail as a Large Letter and will survive any rough handling. They can literally be stamped on and they will not break. The A4 Slim is available as a TOUGH box here. It's opaque white instead of clear which means the documents you're shipping can not be seen unless the box is actually opened
Ships Via Royal Mail As A Large Letter
Some of our customers use the A4 Slim Box as a postal packaging box. At only 24mm deep externally this box will ship as a Royal Mail ‘Large letter’ (provided box and contents do not weigh more than 750g). If you are a printer, regularly sending out small quantities of printed product through the post, this is the box for you. Impact resistant, simple and stylish the box will ensure your printed media reaches its destination in perfect condition and is well presented when received by your customer.
Top 4 Things That Go In An A4 Slim Box That Aren't A4 Documents
4. Jigsaw puzzle trays
3. It works well as a paint palette.
2. Holding dies on magnetic sheets
1. Craft paper & card
Shop A4 Slim Boxes
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