Divide & Conquer! Why Fixed Dividers Rule
Looking for a craft storage box with fixed dividers ideal for storing beads, sequins, sewing kit etc? Look no further! Introducing... The Crafty Tool Box!
Fixed Dividers In The Perfect Formation
We did a load of product research before settling on the configuration of the fixed dividers for the Crafty Tool Box. From talking to many different types of creatives we settles on what you now see on the product: 6 equal size square compartments, one larger rectangular compartment and then a compartment that runs the entire length of the box.
This is an A4 sized box with dividers moulded into the base. The tray with dividers will be 55mm deep. A storage box with dividers is something we have been getting a lot of demand for, but the problem is everyone wants something different! The design that we are planning to run with is a ‘tool box’ type layout. Compartments for paint brushes / pens and pencils / smaller items are all present.
Stak Your Crafty Tool Boxes
Another option we were considering was one specifically for bead collectors with equally sized square compartments for displaying and storing your beads. We’ve gone with the tool box option first as it seems more universally accepted.
Top 5 Things To Store In A Crafty Tool Box
5. Paint brushes, paints and mixing pots
4. Sewing kit, needles, thread, scissors,
3. Loom bands - remember them?
2. Stationery, pins, paperclips, staples etc.
1. Beads, Beads and more Beads!
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